December 19, 2014


Ena Hirose



Founder & Director of Ena Ballet Studio











Ena received her college degree in English at Osaka’s Shoin Women’s University, Japan. In dance education, she was taught by renowned ballet teachers such as Hideo Fukagawa, Hans Myeister, N. Dudinskaya, Tokuko Tema, Marilyn Jones and Rosemarie Starke.

In 1989, she furthered her education at Russia’s Vaganova Academy and then went on to study at the Bolshoi Ballet School and Australia’s National Theatre Ballet School where she earned a Diploma of Arts in Classical Dance. She also received ‘The Kathleen Gorham’s most outstanding student’ award and ‘Encouragement Award for Diploma of Arts course’. She founded Ena Ballet Studio in 1999 and was since the Artistic Director of the school. In April 2006, she formed and co-directs Ena Ballet Studio Company (EBSC).

Her recent performance are ‘Copellia’ as Swanhilda partnered with Connor Walsh (Principal of Houston Ballet, USA),Pas de deux with Hironao Takahashi at International Ballet Gala 2012 in Kuala Lumpur,as well as Kitri in ‘Don Quixote’, with Robert Curran (principal of Australia Ballet Theater),‘Giselle’ pas de deux with Yuri Possokhov and ‘Peasant pas de cinque’ with 4 other principal dancers of the San Francisco Ballet at the gala ‘Yuan Yuan Tan and 8 ballet super stars in Nara.



Marilyn Jones OBE
メラリン・ジョーンズ (OBE)


School Adviser



Marilyn Jones established an enviable international reputation early in her distinguished career during which she danced with outstanding ballet luminaries such as Rudolph Nureyev, Garth Welch, John Gilpin, John Meehan and Sir Robert Helpmann. She is acclaimed for her interpretation of the great classics: Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty, Romeo and Juliet and Giselle, attaining the rank of Ballerina with the Borovansky Ballet and the Grand Ballet de Marquis de Cuevas. She was Prima Ballerina of The Australian Ballet from 1962-1971, later becoming the Artistic Director until 1982 and since made regular guest appearances with them as well as the Sydney Dance Company and the Queensland Ballet.

In 1972 she was named an Officer of the Order of the British Empire for her services to Ballet. She has received numerous awards: an Australian Creative Artists Fellowship from the Australian Council (1990), Honorary Doctorate of Music from University of Newcastle (1992) and a prestigious honour celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Sydney Opera House (1993) in recognition of her outstanding contribution to dance in this country.

She has set up the Australian Institute of Classical Dance (AICD), an organization designed to benefit all teachers and students in classical dance in Australia and recently returned to Sydney from Perth where she was Senior Lecturer and Coordinator of Classical Dance at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts.



Rosemarie Starke


Course Director & Artistic Adviser


2006年はゲスト教師として招かれ、EBS教師2名を伴い、数校のアジアのバレエ学校にて「ワークショップ」を開催する。シンガポールバレエ団より招聘されバレエ団員にカンパニーマスタークラスを提供し好評を博す。2011年よりDanceworks production芸術アドバイザー、リハーサルミストレスとして指導する。


Rosemarie Starke began her stage career at the age of two and a half. After being a child actress for theater and television she became interested in ballet and graduated with honors from Berlin State Ballet School.

Rosemarie quickly rose to the rank of Principal Dancer with the “Komische Oper” in  East Berlin, one of the most interesting and prominent dance companies in Germany, under the direction of Tom Schilling who was also the company’s principal choreographer. Her professional ballet career spanned 43 years and has provided her extensive experience in many faces of ballet.

She danced leading roles in ballets such as Giselle, Romeo and Juliet, Swan Lake, a new Midsummer Night’s Dream, Napoli, Vivaldi, Evening Dances, Mozart Symphony, Black Birds, Sleeping Beauty, Carnival, Pastorale just to name a few. In 1985, she was appointed Ballet Mistress, Repetitious and Choreographic Assistant to the Komische Oper.

After immigrating to Australia in 1989 she became a lecturer in Classical Ballet teaching the Russian Vaganova Method at the Australia Ballet School, National Theatre Ballet School, Victoria Collage of the Arts, Christine Walsh Conservatoire of Ballet, Ballet Theatre of Victoria.  She also did extensive guest teaching at companies and institutes worldwide including the Australia Ballet, Royal New Zealand Ballet, Australian Opera, Singapore Dance Theatre, Royal Academy of Dance and Australia Institute of Classical Dance. Her workshops were conducted at ballet schools in Germany, Malaysia, Vietnam, New Zealand, USA, and Japan.

Rosemarie Starke is Currently the Course Director and Artistic Adviser for Ena Ballet School Japan.


Sufi Asyraf Bin Mohd Azman


Resident Choreographer & Teacher

sufi proflie


2009年、クアラルンプール芸術文化センターによるダンスフェスティバルにて将来有望なダンサーに与えられる’Best New Comer’を受賞。
2014年、Nominated Best Mix Bill Choreographer in BOH Cameronian Arts Awards.


Sufi Asyraf hails from Kuala Lumpur and began dancing at the age of 15 at the Taman Budaya Kuala Lumpur run by the Ministry of Culture. He completed his Diploma in Dance at ASWARA in 2011 and his Bachelor in Dance (Performance) in 2014.

He Joined Aswara Dance Company (ADC) in 2011 and became Principal in 2013. He has performed extensively in all productions of ASWARA in his time here, and also performed in productions such as Cinderella by DanceSpace, The White Bat and Coppelia by Danceworks Production, and performed at festivals in Indonesia, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and Australia.

He trained and performed with Ena Ballet School in Nara City, Japan in 2011 and 2013. He was awarded as Best New Comer for Short+Sweet Dance Festival 2009, at the 14th National Ballet Competition organized by The Dance Society of Malaysia he has won Sansha Award Best Contemporary Dancer, EBS award Scholarship to train in Japan and created history by becoming the first male dancer from ASWARA to emerge champion, In 2014, Sufi also has been Nominated in KakiSeni Award as Best Mix Bill Choreographer.



Natsuki Tomosugi


絵菜バレエスタジオ・スクールで学ぶ。 2011年マレーシア公演、”Don Quixote”に参加。オーストラリアThe National Theatre Ballet Schoolに入学。スカラシップを受け、2012年 ディプロマコース卒業。在学中 RAD ”Intermediate” ”Advanced 1”取得。2013年より京都・奈良で指導、振付、演出にも取り組んでいる。


Natsuki Tomosugi start dancing from Ena Ballet School and also has joined Ena Ballet School pre-professional program taught by Ena Hirose, Jie Choong Wan Chin and Rosemarie Starke. She graduated from the pre-professional program in 2011.

2011 perform in Malaysia “Don Quitoxe” She got a scholarship and graduated in 2012 from The National Theatre Ballet School (Australia). She also pass in her exam in RAD “Intermediate” “Advanced 1”. In 2013 she start teaching and choreographing in Kyoto and Nara.



Haruka Iwanaka



和歌山県出身、在住。 10歳より田村兎喜子バレエ研究所にてバレエを始める。 豊田バレエ学校を経て、絵菜バレエスタジオにて6年間研鑽を積み、2009年より故郷で教室を始める。


Haruka Iwanaka joined Ena Ballet Studio Company as dancer and costume designer since 2004. She also danced with Ballet Theater of Victoria (Australia) and Ajkun Ballet Theater (USA).

In 2006, she performed La Sylphide pas de deux at Nara Ballet Festival in Japan. Haruka is a dancer as well as costume designer for Danceworks Production (Malaysia) 2010 and 2011.



Chihiro Yamaguchi


5歳よりバレエを始める。絵菜バレエスタジオ創立当初より廣瀬絵菜に師事する。2005年、「インターナショナルバレエアワード2005オーストラリア」出場。2007年、ドイツ国立ベルリンバレエ学校相互協力校、絵菜バレエスクール卒業。同年より2年間、カナダ、Goh Ballet Academyに留学。RAD Intermediate取得。現在、大阪、奈良でバレエ講師を務める。


Chihiro Yamaguchi start dancing when she was 5 year old and learn at Ena Ballet School . In 2005 she joined “International Ballet Award 2005 Australia”. In 2007 she graduated from Ena Ballet School pre-professional program. After she graduate she went to Goh Ballet Academy in Canada for 2 years. She also pass the exam the RAD Intermediate. Now she is teaching in Osaka and Nara.



Misaki Yamaguchi


絵菜バレエスタジオ創立当初より、廣瀬絵菜、ジェイ・チュン、 ローズマリー・スタークに師事する。 2009年、絵菜バレエスタジオ・全オーストラリアバレエ協会主催 「インターナショナルバレエアワード2009オーストラリア」出場。 2011年、ドイツ国立ベルリンバレエ学校相互協力校・ヒューストンバレエBSA提携校絵菜バレエスクールEBSEEプレパトリーコース卒業。 2010年、絵菜バレエスタジオカンパニーマレーシア公演にて「パキータ」 「カルメン」、2011年「ドン・キホーテ」、2012年「白いこうもり」、2013年「コッペリア」に出演。


Misaki Yamaguchi start dancing from Ena Ballet School and also has joined Ena Ballet School pre-professional program taught by Ena Hirose, Jie Choong Wan Chin and Rosemarie Starke. She graduated from the pre-professional program in 2011.

She joined International Ballet Award 2009 Australia competition. She performed and danced with Danceworks Production Malaysia such as 2010 Paquita and Carmen ,2011 Don Quitoxe 2012 White Bat , 2013 Coppelia , 2015 La Bayader.